Dana was my soulmate. She was someone with deep eyes and beautiful curly hair from her mother. She had the ability to philosophise about all life’s most important questions. Dana was creative, an artist. She could express herself beautifully through colour and words. Dana loved with her whole heart, she made everyone around her laugh and feel her authentic connection.
I still hear her contagious laughter. She loved to go on adventures and drives with the loudest music you can fathom all while having deep conversations and gazing at the rainforest ahead. Today, the ringing in my ears is proof of it (though sometimes I think it may be Dana, speaking to me still). Her mind was so insightful. She was always learning and picked things up quickly. She started reading Tarot cards and through them connected to her spirituality. Waterfalls were divine for her, she loved to find new ones in hidden places.
We made plans, so many plans, of a future so bright and exciting. She had so much ambition, free spirit and drive. She was open to new chapters and experienced so much of life’s essence. But most of all to me, she was my best friend, my family, my all. She made life feel like the biggest blessing. She spread hope and excitement of all the possibilities of the future. She loved and was loved by her family wholesomely. She was magic.
– Vännen Brianna